stoP And Inch North

Saturday, September 09, 2006


My longtime roommate and best friend, Debra, has told me time and time again that my dreams are some of the most violent that she's ever witnessed.

Well, last night I had another violent dream--only unlike the ones she was referring to, I actually remembered this one. That's been happening a lot more often frequently, my remembering of my dreams. And when I say remember, I'm not just referring to the state of fuzzy remembering that you have an hour or so after you wake up; I mean, the kind of remembering that continues on through the day; the kind that you find yourself looking at your watch periodically through the day and thinking, "god, why haven't I forgotten this dream yet?

That kind of dream.

The dream was actually composed of two parts: one original and one revised. Funny how that sometimes will work in dreams, huh? You actually get a chance to fix something.

I dreamed that the warden from Oz was pissed off at me.
I also dreamed that I was related to Ryan O'Reilly (an inmate).

So, for some reason, I decided to break out all of the windows of a school bus at the local high school in order that I might get back at him for screwing our family over or something half-crocked like that. I remember that in the dream it was cold; I could see my breath. I had just finished breaking out all of the windows when I realized that I hadn't worn gloves; so therefore they would be able to get my fingerprints. I freaked out over the course of this dream, actually going through excuses like, "oh well, I had ridden the bus, so of course my fingerprints would be on the windows," and other shit like that before the the second half of the dream unfolded.

Suddenly I found myself doing it all over again, only this time, I had gloves on. I had just finished, when I saw Warden Glynn gunning for me, literally. As in, he had a gun out and was trying to kill me. Either I didn't have time to run to my car, or else I didn't bring one, because I started running full out down the road. And then I knew exactly where I was (as if I hadn't already); I was running on the highway that goes past my old high school (scary thought in and of itself, no?).

I jump into this ditch right and into the woods. I'm thinking the whole time about how the warden has hated me and the family from day one and how much he'd really like to get rid of me, right? And I also know that there's no way that I can just hide in the woods and wait it out, it's not one of those dreams, you dig?

So I get to these weird tree stumps--only, they're about 20 feet high or so and I somehow find myself on top of them. They form some bizarre twisted sort of fort; but they aren't very stable, and as I clamber up higher on them, one actually tears off and falls down--nearly taking me with it. There's also a short ivy railing around the edges, which I can see warden Glynn through. And then he starts shooting at me and I know, know without knowing how I know, that he means to kill me and that I will be dead and that no one will cry.

And then I wake up.

This is the third oz nightmare I've had in the past 3 weeks. And yet I keep watching the episodes on netflix. It's just like those books I mentioned in yesterday's post. They gave me nightmares too, so I just stopped reading them at bed time.

Needless to say, the dream creeped me out.


  • I know it sounds like someone's Mother. But, maybe you're just watching too much junk on TV. I didn't watch TV for over a year and there wasn't much I missed. Life went on. Now we have it and I find most of the shows are very violent and gruesome. I hardly find anything to watch so I'm pretty much back to not watching it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:35 AM  

  • I don't really watch much. I just watch a show or two here and there. 'Course, all the ones I do watch are all crime shows . . . hmmm.

    By Blogger Val, at 1:09 AM  

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