Welcome Yada Yada
This should be made into a dance or something, I feel sure. Just think of it, doing the Welcome Yada Yada; sounds fun to me.
Eh, anyway I'm a long term off and on blogger. I started blogging back in 2001, before September 11 even (god forbid, there was life back then?). So I've been around the blog (pun intended) a couple of times in that respect.
My off stage started in 2002, when I got sidetracked by being a columnist at Backwash, where I am still sidetracked, but not as exclusively perhaps. And the only reason why I am not wholly sidetracked at BW anymore is because I am no longer a full-time college student.
That was the other reason for my sporadic postings on my previous blog. For the past four years I have been a music education major, a subject which I will go into more at a later date. However I will say that at the very least, being a music major (and surviving) is the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life (including surviving middle school-which nearly didn't happen either). I just graduated in May and now have a bit more time on my hands.
I also have a livejournal account, which has the same name as this blog, but not the same url. So why do I have both an lj and a blog? Simple. Blogs are better. The only reason I have a lj is because a lot of my school friends have them and it's an easy way to stay in contact with them. But all I really do w/ my lj is post pics of my baby nephew, Woody. He was born 4 months early, weighing only 1 pound and 4 ounces. He's now over 7 pounds and these past 3 and a half months have been hell on everyone in the family (plus some honorary family members). But he seems to be doing okay now.
I hope to make this blog a bit more personalized over the next few days or so. I changed blogs so that I could have the chance to really do what I wanted to do with my blog, without having to totally revamp an existing one.
You wrote that you aren't staying with music. I thought I read that somewhere, maybe on BW. But why and what are you doing instead?
Again, congratulations on graduating. Now you're set at the very beginning of the next adventure in your life. Keep positive about everything, don't get lost in double think and downgrading everything you have achieved and everything you are. You may not be perfect, you may not be some toothpick girl from TV or magazines. But you're Val, only one in the whole world. You have something to contribute to the world, whatever you decide that will be. Let yourself do it!
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
I'm not staying with music education, but I am planning on doing music therapy. I'm hoping to go to grad school next Fall. I just hope I can rediscover my confidence before then.
Val, at 2:21 PM
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